Star Live’s 2024 Company Day.

After returning to the office at the beginning of the year, we dove right into Star Live’s annual company day. It was a day of coming together, not just to catch up but to align our collective focus on the company’s vision and the road ahead.
The day's agenda centred on the pillars of safety, health, environmental stewardship, and quality—cornerstones that underpin our business and solidify our outstanding safety record. Departments across the board presented their 2024 outlook, shedding light on our path forward and the operational growth that will continue to fuel our journey to excellence. It's clear that as we grow, our dedication to our clients and team only strengthens.
Our guest speaker was Lynne Maltman from Music Support – a charity that provides help and support to peers who work in music and live events affected by mental ill-health and/or addiction. Her insights into the mental health challenges faced within our industry were not just enlightening, but also a vital reminder of the importance of wellbeing in our workplace. Lynne’s talk on prevention and active support strategies was invaluable, underscoring our commitment to every team member’s mental health.
The day concluded with a high-energy and incredibly entertaining Drumming Team Building session, which not only highlighted our team's vibrant spirit and erm…diverse rhythmic skills, but also brought about a good deal of laughter.
The feedback has been exceptional, highlighting the significance of connecting as a team to reinforce our collective goals. Onward to a year of impactful achievements!


Venue consultancy service in Southeast Asia.


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